
Barb Catch Fishing

There are practically limitless fishing accessories out there. Every little thing you could think of has been made and perfected by some company. 

But there are some tremendously useful fishing accessories that just don’t get the recognition that they deserve. 

Let’s look at the 7 most underrated fishing accessories.

1. Polarized Sunglasses

Although polarized sunglasses are quite popular, there are tons of weekend or casual anglers who don’t use them at all. 

And I can’t stress how big of a difference that polarized glasses make. 

You can easily look up comparison videos with and without them, and it is huge.

These glasses allow you to see very far into the water, both vertically and horizontally. 

For bank fisherman, you won’t walk right up to a bass and spook it away. 

And for all fisherman, you can see water depth, cover, fish, and other important things much much better. 

Polarized sunglasses make the most noticeable difference in your fishing success, which is what puts them at the number one spot.

2. Braid Cutters

A good set of braid cutters will save you tons of time, energy, and frustration. Braided line can be very difficult to cut at times. 

But the specialized braid cutters make it super quick and easy. But they also make it easier to cut all other types of line as well. 

They are much quicker and more compact than scissors, pliers, or pocket knives.

3. Split Ring Pliers

As I kid, I never had a pair of split ring pliers. So for years, I just used a loose hook to pry open the split ring and then tediously try to work the barely opened split ring over the lure’s eye. 

This took a very long time, was very frustrating, and gave me more than a couple painful mistakes. 

Split ring pliers make this process extremely quick and easy. 

Any time you need to change hooks or add split rings, just use the pliers to pop it open and work it around the lure with ease. 

I can’t imagine having to go back to the loose hook strategy, especially with the number of lures I use these days.

4. Plug Knockers

For boat and bank fisherman, getting your lure stuck on something is inevitable. 

And it is often impossible to dislodge your lure when it’s stuck out in the water, especially for bank anglers. 

But plug knockers allow you to get your lures unstuck from a far distance away. 

If your lure is stuck, clip the plug knockers onto your line, hold your rod tip up as high as you can, and release the knocker. 

It will quickly slide all the way down your line and knock into the lure, popping it free. 

Now these plug knockers don’t work 100% of the time, but they are super cheap and you can even make them yourself. 

So they are definitely worth it to save the much more expensive lures.

5. Bait Scent

Bait scent is a terrific way to make you baits and lures more natural and enticing. 

A lot of times, a picky bass that needs a bit of extra persuading will eat a scented bait when it won’t eat others. 

These scents come in spray, gel, and wax forms depending on what type of bait you are adding them to. 

They will come in a few different natural bait scents, so just match the specific scent to the forage you are imitating.

6. Sharpie

The good old sharpie is a super underrated fishing accessory and is something I use most fishing trips. 

There are really two uses for sharpies in fishing. First is coloring your baits. 

Adding some extra colors to your baits to make them flashier, more realistic, or stand out better in muddy water makes a big difference. 

At any time you can quickly change the color of your lures. So instead of having to buy every color there is , you really just need a couple sharpies. 

The second use it to color your braided line. Using a black sharpie to color the last 2-3 feet of your braided line greatly decreases it’s visibility in the water. 

Most braided lines come in very dark colors, but these will start to fade after a month or two. So darken them back up with the good old sharpie. 

There is also a quick hack with the sharpie that can catch you more fish when using hard baits.

7. Sun Shirt

Nobody wants to get sun burnt when they’re out fishing. The summer sun can be very intense and burn your skin very easily. 

But normal long sleeve shorts or sweaters are extremely hot and uncomfortable. 

Fishing sun shirts are super thin and breathable. They give you total skin protection while still keeping you very cool and comfortable. 

During long summer fishing days, a fishing sun shirt is a must have.

Reeling this In

While the market is flooded with an array of fishing accessories, some truly useful items often go unnoticed. 

From polarized sunglasses that enhance your visibility in the water to braid cutters that make dealing with tough lines a breeze, these underrated tools can significantly improve your fishing experience. 

While these accessories are by no means required, they will each enhance your fishing experience in noticeable ways.

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