Best Cheap Braided Fishing Line

best cheap braided fishing line

Since you’re reading this, I’m assuming you have seen that braided line is usually very expensive. There are tons of companies that make braided line, but they all seem to have one thing in common.

A very high price tag that limits how much line you can buy without breaking the bank. But we have searched far and wide in the fishing industry and found the best cheap braided fishing line.

Reaction Tackle Braided Line

reaction tackle braided fishing line

Reaction Tackle is a relatively new fishing company based out of Wisconsin. They specialize in braided line that is both very high quality and very affordable.

With over 1 million spools of braided line sold, it is fair to say that Reaction Tackle is already at the top of the braided line industry.

Reaction Tackle also has a wide variety of braid colors, pound tests, and spool sizes so that you can tailor the line to your exact needs.

Reaction Tackle’s 4 strand braid starts at $9.98 (per 150 yds) and their 8 strand braid starts at $13.98 (per 150 yds).

The market average for braided fishing line is around $18-20 (per 150 yds), so Reaction Tackle is much more affordable than the vast majority of other options out there.

Is Reaction Tackle High Quality?

Now that you know it comes with a very friendly price tag, the your next question is probably, “Is is good quality?”. And the simple answer is “Yes”.

If you check out the reviews of Reaction Tackle braided line, the average star rating is 4.8 out of 5 starts.

And with over 1 million spools sold, that is a very high rating. Strictly in terms of quality, Reaction Tackle braid fits right up in the same tier as Seagar INVZX and Power Pro which are the two industry standards for braided line.

I have actually found that Reaction Tackle and Power Pro braid are very, very similar in terms of how they are made and how they perform.

I won’t say that Reaction Tackle braid is better than those two brands, but it is definitely in the same tier as them, so there no concerns with the quality.

And if price is a concern for you, than Reaction Tackle braid is definitely the better of those three options.

Is 4 Strand or 8 Strand Braid Better?

4 strand vs 8 strand braided line

In terms of performance, 8 strand braid is the better option. 8 Strand braid is a bit more tightly woven, which makes it less stiff.

The fluent nature of 8 strand is a lot easier to handle and cast without getting bird’s nests.

Also, because 8 strand braid is tighter woven, it absorbs less water, which allows it to maintain the very thin diameter.

This allows you to cast much further and cut through vegetation easier. The only advantage to the 4 strand braid is simply the price tag.

4 strand will be cheaper, so it isn’t a bad option for short term use or if you’re using it for one specific technique. But I would suggest just going with the 8 strand braid.

Use Backing to Save Money

braided line backing

Backing is when you take some much cheaper line (usually monofilament or co-polymer) and put it underneath the braided line on your reels.

All you do is begin spooling the reel with this cheaper line and then tie your braided line to that line as if you were tying a leader on.

Then finish spooling up with 50-60 yds of the braided line. Using backing line like this will save you a bunch of money.

Once your braid is damaged, worn out, or all tangled (bird’s nest) and you need lose all of it, you only lose the 50-60 yds that you put on the reel instead of losing the whole spool (which is usually 120-150 yds).

Using a backing can also help with the actual performance of the braid as it gives a bit of extra cushion that helps prevent the braid from digging or slipping.

Reeling this In

The fishing industry is often very expensive, so being able to save money is always a welcome sight.

The most affordable braided fishing line on the market is certainly Reaction Tackle. It is priced way below the industry average, yet it is still up in the top tier of quality.

If you need some braided line and you don’t want to break the bank, try out Reaction Tackle, the best cheap braided fishing line.

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