Barb Catch Fishing
Where Every Cast Counts: Reel in Tips, Tricks, and Triumphs!
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Recent Articles:
Spring Muddy Water Bass Fishing
Depending on your fishing experience, this can sometimes make fishing very difficult. But as long as you know how to approach these conditions, you can take full advantage of the amazing spring fishing season.
Top 3 Ice Fishing Safety Tips (VIDEO)
Ice fishing is a super fun way to fish, but comes with its own unique dangers. Once you know how to safely ice fish, it can be a super fun and rewarding way to spend the winter season outdoors.
3 Kayak Fishing Tips for Beginners (VIDEO)
These 3 tips will help you out a lot when you’re first getting started kayak fishing, and save you a lot of growing pains out on the water.
Best Cheap Braided Fishing Line
A very high price tag that limits how much line you can buy without breaking the bank. But we have searched far and wide in the fishing industry and found the best cheap braided fishing line.
Best Baits for Fishing a New Lake (VIDEO)
When you are fishing a completely new lake, it can be very difficult to locate fish and get them to bite when you don’t know exactly what lures you should be using.